Dzisiaj popołudniu i jutro rano nie trenuje, bo nie mogę ;(. Niby takie małe zawody, ale każą zrobić 1,5 dnia odpoczynku. No to odpoczywam i dzielę się z Wami przemyśleniami. Szykuje się do zakupu nowej skóry, ponieważ pierwsza dziura w karierze w końcu musiała się zrobić. Niestety rozmiar większej ;o. Czyli jednak przytyłam ;(.
Grubasek się żegna i idzie odpoczywać ze wschodnim frontem Pierwszej Wojny Światowej
I officialy opened the swimming season ;). I finished my initail quite good races. First mounth of training allowed me got really close results to my best permorfance(PB) + I improved my technique skills cos I did establish new PB on 100 metres medley. Although all the competitions are the same (because it's just race) this one was strange... I was always associated competitions with crowd of friend from swimming environment. Meanwhile I could only listening a music and talked with some people. The most interesting think is that they prefered to listening music than talked with somebody. I have a hope that the next competition will be more exciting.
Today afternoon I can't swim cos I have to rest ;(. It was so small contest but coach said that I should not swim today and tomorrow morning. So now I rest and writing to you about my thoughts.
i decided to buy new race suit because in first one I have finnaly hole. Unfortunately I tried one size bigger and it fit. Thats mean that I put on weight ;(
Fatty is saying bye now and going to rest with The Eastern Front in First World War
ps. Moge powiedzieć, że tablice startowe na których tutaj pływamy- Colorado Time System są jeszcze bardziej ''niezawodne'' niż Polska Omega ;)
ps. I can say that Colorado Time System is worst than used in Poland- Omega :)
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