Morissby Profile zajmuje się doradztwem zawodowym. Pomaga nam wybrać co chcemy osiągnąc w przyszłości, a także jest testem psychologicznym, który określa nasze zdolności, Dla mnie był to naprawde ciekawy eksperyment i dowiedziałam się czegoś o sobie, Idąc za ciosem szkoła zorganizowała targi kariery i zaprosiła przedstawicieli uczelni w Plymouth i okolicy umożliwiając nam rozmowę z każdym z nich, ale moje plany nie opierają się narazie na studiowaniu w Anglii, więc niestety to dużo mi nie pomogło.
Kolejnym spotkaniem była rozmowa z panią, ze sportowego okręgu o zdrowym odżywianiu jakie potrzebuje pływak. Tematy, które poruszyła dały do myślenia i postanowiłam zmienic swoja dietę i bardziej pilnować co zamierzam spożyć i kiedy.
" Samo dobre odżywianie nie sprawi, że z przeciętnego pływaka zmienisz się w mistrza, ale złe odżywianie sprawi, że z mistrza zmienisz się w przeciętnego pływaka."
Teraz coś o treningach ;). Ostatnio zrobiło się zimno i poranne bieganie musieliśmy przekształcić w dłuższą rozgrzewkę na sali. To pozwoliło naszej trenerce troszkę pofantazjować z naszymi ćwiczeniami...
jest jej nowym pomysłem...
Ale moge szczerze powiedziec że zakochałam się w tej piosence <3
Oto mój plan treningowy
i nie powiem, że jestem naprawde zadowolona z tej ilości godzin na salce ;). Siła tylko w wodzie się nie zrobi. Tutaj jest też ważna UWAGA bo nie mamy siłowni, a tylko podstawowe ćwiczenia z lekkim obciążeniem w seriach. Jest to wykańczajace a jednocześnie bezpieczne dla mięsni bo jest bardzo mała szansa na uszkodzenie ich lub naciągnięcie. Program w wodzie jest dosyć podobny do polskiego-poprostu dawać z siebie wszystko!
Miłego nowego tygodnia, a jutro pływacy na koń!
I didn't wrote for long time so today I want to write about more things. This week passed very quick and it left only 26 days to the end of half term on which I wait with longing. But what did I done? A lot. I found out that I should be a marine biologist/ecologist or oceanographer...when I look at this that I am really afraid about open water it is really good decision. This decision took a results of my test.
Morissby profile is a career guidance which helps discover personal webspace and explore world of education, courses and career options at fingertips. For me it was really interesting experiment. Now I know more about my personality cos it was a psychical test too. Following the blow school organised a career fair where we could talked with representatives from different universities in Plymouth and learn something abouth them study program. My plans are not about study in Plymouth so I didn't used it really much.
The next met was with Miss frim sports surroundings. She was talking about nutrient in swimmer life. This about she talked gave me a lot to think about. It's really important for me to eat healthy so I decided to change my diet and think more about what I eat.
Miłego nowego tygodnia, a jutro pływacy na koń!
I didn't wrote for long time so today I want to write about more things. This week passed very quick and it left only 26 days to the end of half term on which I wait with longing. But what did I done? A lot. I found out that I should be a marine biologist/ecologist or oceanographer...when I look at this that I am really afraid about open water it is really good decision. This decision took a results of my test.
Morissby profile is a career guidance which helps discover personal webspace and explore world of education, courses and career options at fingertips. For me it was really interesting experiment. Now I know more about my personality cos it was a psychical test too. Following the blow school organised a career fair where we could talked with representatives from different universities in Plymouth and learn something abouth them study program. My plans are not about study in Plymouth so I didn't used it really much.
The next met was with Miss frim sports surroundings. She was talking about nutrient in swimmer life. This about she talked gave me a lot to think about. It's really important for me to eat healthy so I decided to change my diet and think more about what I eat.
' Only good nutrition don't change you from an avarage swimmer to professional swimmer but bad nutrition can change you from professional swimmer to an avarage swimmer.'
Now something about trainings. Recently there got cold so we became did uor warm up not oudsite(running) but in the gym. Our coach has more time to fantazised in exercises.
is her new idea...
But I can say that I'm in love with this song <3
Up is my hours training plan and I'm really glad that I have a lot of land exercises. The power is not only from water. And there is thing worthy of ATTENTION cos we don't have a fitness but only common exercises with light load in series. It's really tiring but it's more safe for muscles cos there is a little chance to damage them. a swimming program is really like polish. There is only one plan for everybody- do the best on training.
Have a nice new week and swimmers come on!